
Our world is changing isn’t it? The lenses and systems we use are being called into question. Systems that, whether we like them or not, we help to maintain each time we stay silent. Each time we allow or accept something that is actually not acceptable. There’s so much to talk about and think about! So much to explore and learn and discuss. So much work that needs to be done. So much play that can help us get there.

Learning to see and inhabit those messy spaces is hard. And yet, It’s the path to aliveness.

Katerina Evans Blog

Katerina Evans

It’s the path to growth and understanding and expansion.

It’s the journey home to ourselves.

I am learning to walk that walk. I am learning to play with the words and the images that flow when we invite ourselves to explore.

Wonderings and Wanderings along the path. Confusion and mess and creativity. Play and risk and failure. Soaring and expanding and diving off the edge and into the great unknown. And over and through and under it all — Big Beautiful Love. This is what we’ll explore together.

So happy you stopped by!

All my love, 

Healing Katerina Evans Healing Katerina Evans

We are all on a Hero’s Journey

More and more in the last few years, I have been obviously and intentionally on a Hero’s Journey. We all are really, whether we know it or not. Each journey we take, each brave calling we listen to, gives us the courage to expand into more and more of who we are.

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