We are all on a Hero’s Journey
More and more in the last few years, I have been obviously and intentionally on a Hero’s Journey. We all are really, whether we know it or not. That’s why the Hero’s Journey as a compass or a map works so well for so many. It is a path laid out in movies and books, it’s a story we respond to and resonate with. It’s a journey we travel, over and over throughout our lives. It begins when we recognize that we are in status quo — a comfort zone that begins to feel constricting rather than comfortable. This is when we hear a call. A whisper, or sometimes a cry. Something is missing or not quite right. Something out there, as yet unknown. Something we may or may not be ready to move towards. And so, we hear the call, and we either take steps to go forward, or we take steps to ignore it. We encounter obstacles. The guardians of the gate. And they may be people who want us to stay the same. They may be fears telling us to look away. They are often the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and who we aren’t. We all have guardians in our lives. And there are mentors and helpers too. People who cheer us on. Parts of ourselves that, when we remember them, are ready to assist us.
There’s much more on the Hero’s Journey, and I will be writing more about it, but for now let’s pause here. If this is your first time here, then perhaps you are somewhere at the beginning of a journey too.
Do you hear the whispers?
I heard the call to share my writing and my art long ago. Whispers, then rumblings becoming insistent nudges until finally, finally, years later, I took steps. I connected to people who could help me - guides and mentors. I made a commitment to face the obstacles that would come my way. I called on my courage and my heart and the parts of me who know, the deep down knowing I’ve always had, that this is a Hero’s Journey that matters.
You see, I am here to break silences. I am here to share about my journey and about the many things I’ve learned along the way. I’m here to talk about sexual abuse and the silence that still veils so many who experienced it. I’m here to talk about creativity and art and writing and how courage and compassion and love really can and do heal us - as individuals, as families, as communities. As a world torn apart by fear and division and either/or thinking.
On this journey, I’ll be sharing all sorts of things. Things like Vision Quests, and sacred circles and how speaking your truth in safe and supportive communities is life changing. I’ll be talking about my own process of writing a memoir and other books, still unfinished and in process. And Art. There will be lots of art. I’ll also be sharing information about opportunities to gather and practice and play and create. It’s going to be such a journey!
It took me a very long time to reach this stage of life. Even though it sounds strange even to me, it was when I finally said yes to reporting my father to the police, and when, 3 years later, I testified in court, that I began to more truly experience the power of love and community and being seen in the wholeness of who you are. Going through that Hero’s Journey, which I’ll share here and there as I write my memoir, gave me the courage to step into this journey. That’s how it works. Each journey we take, each brave calling we listen to, gives us the courage to expand into more and more of who we are.
I hope you’ll join me. In this world of information overload, I won’t be sending you loads and loads of emails. I’ll write a post about twice a month. I’ll share about upcoming opportunities and helpful information I’ve gathered. I’ll be creating community, a space to gather and play and create. A space to step into truth and invitation and love. And my promise to you is that I’ll be honest. I’ll be real. Because that’s what I want more of in my life. Real and alive and loving and creative and playful and fun even.
Because healing, as hard as it can be, can also be fun and joyful and beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon,